Hi - I’m Andrew Dee.
My main instrument is clarinet but my brass journey started in primary school after I was inspired by my older brother to take up trumpet. He played at a couple very notable events in the military and had a spare trumpet at home.
When I went to high school, I joined the cadet band on flugel for a short while. But it was then, when my clarinet playing really took off and I took a break from brass. Fast forward 25 years, and a colleague at work (George Mandley) asked me if I would like to play cornet in the Sumner Silver Band!
Memorable brass moments through the years include being pushed into a river (completely submerged) before a wedding where I still played the wedding march on a boat with the bride, still drenched.
Cadet band at school (even though it was short lived).
Joining the SSB (of course).
Bay Ensemble with the Mandley family.
Victorian Fete trips to Oamaru with SSB.
Playing in Don Whelan’s orchestra at St Mary’s Pro with Vic and Jenny Bartley.
Triple Trumpet Extravaganza at St Augustines with Vickie v Uden and Gill Mandley accompanied by Loki K on the church organ.
Regular services with the Bay Ensemble at St Augs.
Ferrymead Fanfare at the reopening of the Ferrymead Heritage Park with Vickie v Uden and the Mandleys.
Playing on a double decker tram at the Ferrymead Heritage Park!