Cave Rock, Sumner - Tuesday 24th December
The end of a very busy and varied programme of Christmas performances took place when the band played for an hour or so on the Esplanade in our home township of Sumner prior to the carol service which is held each year INSIDE the nearby Cave Rock.
The band was joined by a number of friends as we played out of our carol books for the last time in 2024 and also performed some of our longer festive pieces. The band has decided that next year we’re going to look at some of the carols in the ‘Red Book’ that we don’t normally perform to widen our repertoire even further.
It came upon a midnight clear - a bit overcast but still warm enough for some of the band (including the MD) to don shorts for our Christmas Eve performance!
It was a fitting end to our Christmas period that we ended up playing on the sea front in Sumner to an appreciative audience which, Christmas shopping complete, was gathering ready for the Cave Rock service to commence.