Christmas Soirée – Thursday 19th December
It has been a very exciting year for Sumner Silver Band.
We have moved to a new home in the Friendly Societies Lodge at the Ferrymead Heritage Park. We took part in almost thirty performances ranging from the local Anzac Day service to playing in the Christchurch Transitional Cathedral. The band has also swelled in size and now boasts over thirty regular players who meet with enthusiasm to make music each Thursday.
To celebrate the year the band took a short break from its festive engagements and held a Christmas Soirée in the lodge. A number of band members performed solos or in small groups and an award ceremony was held at which Dave Moore was named as most improved player of the year, Loki Kristiansson as best newcomer, Rob Seddon-Smith named the ‘Good Bugger’ of the year and Chris Hollis-Locke was honoured as Bandsperson of the Year.
To wind up the evening a special version of ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ had been written which was sang with passion by the whole audience.
The Twelve Days of Sumner Silver Band’s Christmas
If you’d like to become part of our enthusiastic group of music makers don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via our band email